Thursday, September 6

going bush

George Bush is stopping off here on his way back from the APEC conference in Australia, so we're leaving town to see the more interesting bush. This is a photo of the bush shack we're renting:

We're going with the deifheids.
(deifheids n. - people who are unable to listen to anyone else, because they're too busy talking about themselves.)

No TV, radio or telephones. Just deifheids jammed on repeat play. Thank goodness for earplugs, and I'll be able to talk to the trees and the dogs. They usually listen.

I'll try to take some invertebrate photos for ion.

ion - I cannot find any "leave a comment" link at your place. This is happening with one other blog, so it may partly be a problem at my end.


  1. Albert? Are you there? Is this a case of conversation as imperialism? I suggest you wear the noise blockers until you're ready to sing your thoughts. Take off the noise blockers and then let them have it. HOtboy p.s. You could start with Lou Reed's :"You're caught in a vicious circle, surrounded by your so-called friends." pps Stay armed and vigilant at all times!

  2. I say!

    Isn't that Spud's aunty's residence? Did they catch the mulga, then?

    MM III

  3. I think the bush you are going to visit looks awesome. Have a great time!

  4. I'll bet there are some cool animals sheltering in the shade under the stilted house. Possibly better company than the diefheids upstairs. ion.

  5. Oh if only I had read the comments before going.

    ion - yes, all the interesting organisms - spiders, snakes etc - would indeed have been under the house.

    MM - there's no fishing there.

    blissheid - imperialism indeed. As you can imagine, I was already packing a golf club and balls, plus a catapult and ball-bearings, but you think I should get a crossbow for next time?

    LA - still laughing over your quote - "We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?"
