Sunday, March 16

cap'n kev casts off / wikipedia of the day

Wikipedia is a great place to find out stuff.

"Nerve endings in the rectum usually enable individuals to distinguish between flatus and feces, although loose stool can confuse the individual, occasionally resulting in accidental defecation."

Okay, that's the educational part of this post out of the way.

Copying and pasting other people's jokes has not only been a time-saver for me, it has pulled inthe commenters. But here goes with some more true life trivia. Just watch the comment count plummet.

It's Sunday evening. The day got off to a good start when the possum didn't come home until dawn, which meant I wasn't woken by its scamperings until 7 am. Later, I taught Capn Kev how to upload his video of himself waving himself about, to a freelance porn site. And talking of inflatables, he gave me his self-inflating camping mat to use when I'm lying on the floor watching TV with the light-bending glasses.

Also today, I made the earth move for my partner, and I didn't even have to use the halloween mask I got from Kev. And I let her win at Scrabble.

Tomorrow's the day for another psychotherapy session with electrodes. This time they're going to video the whole thing and give me a copy.

Time to sign off now and read a bit more of the wonderful Alasdair Gray's 1982 Janine.


  1. Albert? Is that you? If you had a proper job you wouldn't have time to get up to all this inflatable dolls malarkey! And do you keep Capn Kev chained up somewhere. I'm sure we'd all like to know. Hotboy

  2. See what I mean about the comment count? How fortunate to have you (not in a gay way).

  3. PS When armageddon hits the northern hemisphere, you'll have to share the cell with Kev.
