Tuesday, June 24

dodgy batch of pills

It sounds ridiculous, but these bliss pills seem to be losing strength now that the bliss partner's been away for nearly 3 weeks. That can't be right.

Today at work I was told to prepare to teach a new course next semester, in an area that I know nothing about. And me about to slink off to Duneditin on Friday! Over lunch I read some of the course documentation, and my heart sank. It was all gobbledygook to me, like dogs listening to their master talking - just blah blah blah and then the occasional key word jumps out at you. Because the pills had gone soft on me, I went into mild shock, the most depressed I've been in years, shell-shock a bit like when they give you the black spot. It seemed the only options I had were to agree to stand up spouting this tripe for four hours every lesson, or to cut my work hours still further and go from semi-retired to three-quarters retired. I felt unneeded. This must be why some people go downhill as soon as their working life is over.

Then I realised how laughable it was to be letting something so trivial, so transient, get me down. Bugger it, I'm going to say I can't teach it because I don't know it, and if they still want me to do it they'll have to send me on a course to learn the stuff first. Either that, or I want it in writing that they realise they're asking me to teach what I don't know - that way, if the students complain, I'm covered and some manager can carry the can. Fuck 'em. I'm a thoroughbred and they're trying to feed me slops.

Obviously I'll keep this under my hat for now. If I told them straight out, the paperwork and meetings would keep me here way beyond Friday.

Anyway, the novelty of my own company here is fast wearing off. I've discovered that the opportunity to rearrange the kitchen along Gordon Ramsay lines is not as big a thrill as I thought it would be.

And tonight I tried cooking the meal that she sometimes makes, but it was nothing like as good as the original. Double dearie me.


  1. Albert? Is that you? Are they just putting pressure on you because of the office move? Have you ratted on the rest of them yet? If not, don't do it. Form a union instead. Moan loudly about harassment and getting bullied at work and taking the buggers to a tribunal. Set your mind on a medical discharge. Bring in a few dead possums and leave them lying about, then start talking to them about the problems with the anal leakage. Obviously, the know you don't know anything about this subject you are going to teach. Ask them if you can go back to university to learn stuff. That would be good! Otherwise, start drinking beer with some alcohol in it. This used to work for me before I became completely teetotal. Hope this helps. Hotboy p.s. You could always go and ask your doctor for some decent pills, like eccies. If you can get some of the johnny jump up pills, please bring them to the conference at Portobello.

  2. I say!

    Get everything in writing, then say you'll blow the whistle at Duneditin 2008. They'll soon give way in the face of an international conference.

    By the way, I think the sherry reception for the conference is being held at Brian Wilson's castle.

    The Big Jambo, bless his soul, once got barred from further social activities at an international conference in Switzerland after his performance at the welcoming sherry reception. So, there's a lot to live up to. I'm sure Hotters will try his best, even though he's off the Kuche Kuche.

    MM III

  3. Hotters - good thought, but there's no conspiracy, they're not smart enough for that, just incompetence. I believe they're Australian.

    Mingers - I assume they'll put out the New South Caledonian flag at the castle?

  4. Rob- Depends how you committed you feel and if you can be fired for being pissed off and for doing just the bare necessities.

    If committed and interested, you clear your diary/commitments of other stuff and enjoy learning a new subject.

    If not, forget it and put together some crap from the internet in 2 days before the course. Trust me- I've been there- and usually the only one who knows the difference is your, your own worst critic.

    Phone your Dom Bliss and get her take, which will be the best comfort you can receive. She doesn't give a shit if you do it well or badly, and nor should you.

    Hope this helps.

  5. ionics - she's beyond the phone, but I pasted my post into email and got the reaction you predicted. And it helped.
