Wednesday, July 2

name that country

I stopped over in a place that's a paradise for technophile anal retentives, as you can see from this preview of a future HNT.

Q1 - What is it a picture of?

Q2 - What country is it?


  1. It's a control thing for the loo! Hotboy p.s. Do I get a prize this time?

  2. Well done, but unless you correctly identify the country, you only get half a prize, probably a bottle of home brew without the alcohol, but that should suit you now you're on the wagon.

  3. Sorry Hotters, it's not strictly a control for the loo but you're in the ball park.

  4. I say!

    This is a wild guess, but is it a Japanese sexual aid?

    MM III

  5. Is it kanji (Japanese) script? The best bits are the diagrammetic representations.

    The bum graphic is unmistakeable, but on the 'front' button they decline to show the area- just a female figure. I can only imagine that wherever this was snapped ladies don't do number 2s, only number 1s.

  6. A - it is indeed the control panel of a Japanese electronic bidet, on which I recently performed a battery of stress tests.

    ion - I didn't think they did number ones either, like the queen.

    mingers - for some people, probably.

    everybody's part right, so the prize will have to be shared. I'm donating one of the Erdinger crates that I've got coming to me in hut management backpay.

  7. ion - as usual you've enlightened me - I had misread the #1 graphic as a drop emanating fronm a willie.
