Monday, January 26

street signs

Today we went for a long walk with then non-deifheids and our dogs. We came upon this slightly surreal scene. Can you work out what's going on?


  1. It's cemetery with a sign pointing to where the catholics have got to get buried. It's not a gay thing to be scared of dying. I'd be scared of dying if I were you. Best for you if there's no afterlife at all since the spanking you're bound to go through then would make the horrors of your demise look like an picnic. Hope this helps. Hotboy

  2. It shows the build-up in a modern-day favela of all those lost souls consigned to Limbo by lack of baptism. Surely?

  3. hotters - with your background you know much more about these things than me. PS would you like me to ask Doctor Robert if he can do anything about your gay fixation?

    ionette - one learns something every day. I now know favela's not rude, but it's still not a compliment to the non-deifies' Stadtteil.

  4. I say!

    In the bit between the signs in the first snap, it looks as if they may be preparing a pitch.

    MM III
