Thursday, April 12

HNT room for expansion

I've been inundated with a request to show the 14 pairs of undies I bought recently. I must say, buying a size larger does give one extra room to luxuriate.

I used to think that Robert Plant wore a banana down his trousers, or else he was born with an outsize willie. Now I know his secret - you just buy your jocks a size too big, and your tackle expands to take up the extra space. They say that nature abhors a vacuum.

Art Photo
(click for filled-out undies)



  1. so colorful and 'ripe' for the picking. hehehe


  2. Wow... This is very impressive... ;-))
    I appreciate your choice of the rainbow show... ;-)

  3. Onan! Two pairs of pants! It's a pantathon! Hotboy

  4. Onan! I'm in Bavaria. Shouting the Russians are coming hasn't flushed out the aunties yet! Anyway, just a little thing about the good news on the brain scan.... 1) Is the other one still breathing? The brain diseased one! 2) There's a very nasty growth on your groin. Or a shape shifter. Or a chameleon tumour. Have they been too polite the mention this? Hotboy

  5. Is that a banana in your underwear or are you just happy to see me? :)


  6. You are truly a colorful person. This brought a smile to my face! That was very creative.
    Are they fruit of the loin...I mean Loom!
    Happy HNT!

  7. I say!

    This obsession with undies is rather a worry. How many pairs do you now own?

    Cabbage has 1 pair. He seemed a tad concerned when I asked him - as if any other answer apart from 1 would have been ridiculous.

    MM III

  8. LA - fruit of the loins! I wish I'd thought of that one.

    MM - I know have 14 pairs - a 14-month supply.

  9. A man who has enough undies to change them on a regular basis... Hurrah ;)!

    Which color do you wear on Sundays?

  10. I say!

    14 pairs, eh?

    Of course, its been documented that you sometimes wear them on your head.

    Cabbage said - could you send him some? His are full of holes (so he told me).

    MM III

  11. cossie - I haven't got round to actually wearing them except for photo-opportunities. If I wear them out, I'll only have to buy more. The old holy ones are okay for Sundays.

    MM - in a Malawi court, what's the sentence for interfering with a servant's undies?

  12. Nice flat stomach! (PS what IS that stain on your duvet in the banana shot??)
