Wednesday, September 26

HNT - booboid pics and a booboid joke

In honour of os's other HNT Boobie-Thon theme in support of breast cancer research , I'm posting some unusual views of this truly versatile organ.

The first one is a re-post of an old HNT picture, showing a bottle of my home brewed beer, I think it was an extra strong brown ale. What is unusual about this photo is that it's photopoeic1, i.e. having a visual quality that imitates the effect of the object it is describing. In this case, a severe case of brewer's droop.

1 - from the Greek words "photo" (image) and "poio" (verb meaning "to create"). Thus it essentially means "image-creating".


A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there? The father, surprised, answers, "Well son, there are three kinds of breasts. In her 20s, a woman's breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s to 40s, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions." "Onions?" "Yes, you see them and they make you cry."

This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, "Mom, how many kinds of willies are there?" The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, "Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his 20s, his Willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30s and 40s, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50s, it is like a Christmas tree". "A Christmas tree?" "Yes - dead from the root up, and the balls are just for decoration."



  1. Albert? Is that you? Are you back from Bavaria yet? George Burns saying sex when you're ninety was like playing pool with a rope. Thank god for splints! Hotboy

  2. Albert? Is that you? Whereabouts in Bavaria are you? And why have there been no other comments here? I need some help from Dr. Rob. My life is in his hands. I've decided to give up my life to Dr Rob. So why is everything crap sometimes and sometimes everything is great? Why can't we just sail along? In the middle. Does Dr Rob have a dietician? What is the matter with my diet? It's only home made bread, beer, and lentils, and I need something else. Is it cod liver oil, or should I go for the jumping on a dead animal, scewering it and eating it all up? I take a lot of exercise. Am I too old to take all this exercise or should I just eat more protein? Or should I fast? I need somebody to look after me. I mean, somebody else. It's you! Send the taxi fair and I'll be there straight away. I hope you've got a hut. You can send in the messages through a trumpet device on the wall. The first thing you could maybe say is ... what? I'm there. In the hut. Just a sentence of advice! This will help you. Hotboy

  3. Oh wow....
    Happy HNT!

    Oh, the ipod is the Ipod Classic 80gb.

  4. HB - I went for an exercise stress test at the hospital this morning. You could try that. They put you on a treadmill and ramp it up further every 2 minutes. Not beinng used to jogging, I put my hands up at level 4, but you would have gone further.

    They measure your pulse and blood pressure. My blood pressure is only one step higher than dead. And my pulse recovered to normal pretty soon after I lay down again. Which is apparently a good thing from a heart point of view. When I die you can have my heart, it's like new. The rest of me is clapped out of course. Everything balances up.

    I'll pass on your questions to Dr Rob, but I think I know what he'll say.

    LA - I want the ipod touch, but only once they iron some of the niggles.

  5. That's my kind of joke, the latter part at least :).

    Happy HNT!

  6. thats very very funny! HHNT :)

  7. oh man, the photo manipulation and the jokes are all good giggles for me first thing this morning. thanks!


  8. Enjoyed the pics and the joke. Thanks. Happy HNT

  9. balls are just for decoration... that's great!


  10. Great pictures ~ hilarious joke!! LOL


  11. Really enjoyed the joke!!! and the pic is... disturbing... ;-)

  12. Great picture, and I LOVE the joke! Happy HNT

  13. Hope you have a super weekend, but you must come visit me at the Castle and watch me dance....I am doing it just for you!
    Lee Ann

  14. Terrific boobie theme pictures! But that first one's freaking me out... ;) Does this mean I need glasses now? ;)


  15. Tara, if your optometrist can fix that picture I'd like to know.
