Sunday, April 6

the balanced mongrel

Labradors are straightforward to train.

They don't start to train themselves like kelpies (Australian collies) do.

My dog's half lab, half kelpie. It's perfectly balanced. Its kelpie side knows how to train itself, but its lab side can't be bothered.

A human equivalent would be a cross between a Bavarian and a blissheid.


  1. Albert? Have you turned into Dr Moreau on that island? Are you sure a kelpie isn't a seal? If there's any labrador in yon mongrel .. I'm a monkey's uncle. (Actually, that's true, that bit!)Anyway, could you do one of them Frankenstein embryo (emberio, embroyo .. it's mutant already!) experiments and get us a dog that can play cards. To make them less boring. Hotboy

  2. I think you'll find an embroyo is an Edinburgher of Welsh extraction.

  3. What an adorable Kelab!

    Have a great day!
    Lee Ann

  4. I say!

    Does he retrieve? Would he be of any use in the outfield?

    Casper is at least two-thirds lab, and also, we suspect, part donkey. He's much larger than a lab, though with lab features, but is also very stubborn.

    MM III
