Tuesday, January 22

a year's worth of social life

My New Year's Resolution to spend even less time with deifheids was trashed on January 2nd.

What a big day it was! First off, we met up with the pictish hordes from Australia, and it all worked out fine. I was so excited to see these people after 16 years, at one stage I thought I was going to faint. We walked for an hour, then breakfasted for an hour, then walked some more. Just long enough to exhaust all that we had to say to each other. Any longer, and it would have got boring. We'll need to wait another 16 years so that we can forget the whole conversation and talk about it all over again. And paying for their food was a rite of passage for me, after all the freeloading I did at their place.

In the afternoon we met up with El Hermo, and I must say he was in better shape than the last time, 2 years ago, when he had just split up with his Spanish woman. You have to watch this guy though, like many people who have had serious drug careers. When he heard that my bliss partner is going away for 2 weeks, he said he'd move in at my place, because "you'll be lonely". I had to explain that I never get lonely, and besides the home brew is alco-free.

Then in the evening there was a birthday party for acquaintances-becoming-friends. I hate parties but this one was relatively low-key, and after 2 hours of wallflowerdom I got into party mood and the partner had to drag me away. There was 20-year-old eye candy, there were flirtatious 50-year-olds for playful conversation, and there was a guy who told me how I could make a packet doing what he's doing. He does specialist IT work that I only teach about, but I've taught it so often that I could probably actually do it in a company. If I could ever be bothered.

I think maybe I'm beginning to understand one reason why people go to parties: in one hit, you fill up your tank of social contact, then you don't have to see anyone else for months. That's a great return on investment.

PS - don't you hate it when someone you told about something years ago, forgets that you were the source of the info, and tells you all about it? Two years ago I recommended bliss pills to El H. Now he's recommending them to me.


  1. Albert? Did you tell the bliss pill joe that they turn your brain into a walnut given time. Of course, you're so old this might not effect you. Today I realised I don't have any engagements or arrangements planned for me till next Christmas. What a fortunate creature! Hotboy p.s. Nice to see you were almost considering getting yourself a proper job!

  2. I say Hotters!

    Mrs M and myself may be going to Blighty soon, to see off Menzies IV before he departs Down Under, for the party-of-the-century at Rob's house, and we may call in on your hut. So you can put that down in your diary as your one social engagement for the forthcoming year.

    MM III

  3. Mingin'! You'll have to speak to my social secretary! Hotboy

  4. Hotters! Aging is funny, your brain shrinks while your prostate grows. Everything balances up.

    MM - does MM 4 know the beer's ultra lite?

  5. I say!

    Menzies IV and his friends appear to drink anything that's wet. Once they've had a few, can you make sure they don't go on the roof?

    MM III

  6. Albert? I can't wait to see the video now! On a roof as a silouhete! Bare assed, feather protruding! Gap year must in New Caledonia! Hotboy

  7. MM - when you say "go" on the roof, don't worry, they're all Australians here so peeing anywhere is acceptable. But number twos are a bit hazardous up there.
