Thursday, March 1

half narcissitic therapy - brainwaves

Because I live a pure life, my system is hypersensitive to stimulants. I had 2 cups of tea before going to the pool this morning, and as a result ended up swimming a mile non-stop, while my turbocharged brain churned out flashes of inspiration and blog ideas. The swim took me about an hour and a half, and I was too revved up to even pause for a leak. Fortunately, the pool doesn't discriminate against swimmers suffering from RDD (Retention Deficit Disorder).

I've decided to advertise for an assistant, a.k.a. a hut manager. I need someone to walk up and down poolside and note down my brainwaves and revelations as they come to me. It's either that or a waterproof notepad, like the scuba divers use. If the assistant can make tea too, that would keep my creative juices flowing.

I offered the job to the delectable keda, who drinks 9 cups of tea a day. Sadly, she's already fully occupied with some guy who borrowed my name before covering her with chocolate milk. A man after my own heart, though I would have used custard.

One of today's brilliant ideas came to me when I went into the sauna. The pool management must have got a laminator for Christmas, because they have plastered every wall inside the sauna with plasticated warning signs. In the stifling heat of the sauna, the plastic laminates give off toxic fumes, so your eyes water and you cough. So I pulled the signs off the wall, took them home and found another use for them here in photoshop.

The original snorkel picture was taken last century by the former love of my life (now deceased) in Greece, and proves my exhibitionist credsentials.



  1. I take it the job demonstrating the Indian Rope Trick didn't last long? Hotboy

  2. Hotters, welcome, that comment could mean so many things, I'll get back to you when I figure them all out. It's one of your koans, isn't it?

  3. Did you put water on the rock???? I bet you did... ;-)
    Happy HNT!

  4. Aah, a fellow long-distance swimmer! Some call it work-out, I actually call it mental therapy.

    Happy HNT!

  5. what loonies! silly laminating lamebrains.

    though good fodder at least.

    you still sound wired. damn i wish it still had that effect on me! :(

    at least the chocolate milk still; does the trick ;)

    happy hnt snorkman.

  6. love the pic and the edit is hilarious!


  7. So then, where shall I apply?

    :D HHNT!

  8. Thats a pretty fancy gym pool you've got there!

    LOL @ searabbit...yeah I bet you did!


  9. Very Nice!
    Happy Half Narcissitic Therapy!

  10. Searabbit - how did you know that? I used to, until one time the whole thing blew up.

    Cosima - the way I do it is completely mental. Thanks for visiting.

    keda - I had forgotten you're pretty intuitive. I think I've been wired ever since the great blog migration. And you're right, it takes careful rationing to avoid building up the tolerance and losing the buzz.

    lime - happy HNT and happy new year in fact.

    solitaire - it certainly is. Going to the theater will never seem quite the same again. Good luck with the premiere.

    bekah - when you make tea do you warm the pot first? I would need to know.

    LA - see you on WM.

  11. I agree....nice snorkel. ;)

    HappyHNT (late I arrive, lol)

  12. I say!

    Is 'rocks' another name know what?

    By the way, how are you finding Flat Island? Does living there have its ups and downs?

    I've just posted some snaps of Great Bird Island over at my place. You may want to emigrate there one day, if you get banned from the Flat Island pool.

    MM III

  13. MM - any leaks in your pool?

  14. I wish I had the energy to swim. I wonder why it's so much more exhausting. I can jog a measly 3 miles (yeah, I know, no great feat). I can't swim one mile though.
