Tuesday, May 12

a porker lips now

Whatever happened to the swine panic? In Australia where onan lives, the media feeding frenzy has moved on to the next big issue, about a rugby league player involved in group sex 7 years ago. According to onan, there's saturation coverage on TV, radio and newspapers, and about 26,000 posts have materialised in the last few days. Who says nothing ever happens in Australia?


  1. Albert? We want photies of the Australian Ladies Volleyball Squad! Dearie me! Anyway, the swine fever thing is a good reason for not reading papers or watching teevee. The sex scandal involving the atheletic boy and the humpings is the opposite. Why can't they carry stories like that in the papers I read. Here it's all about MPs claiming expenses for getting their moats cleaned. Hotboy

  2. hotters, the only thing delaying the cheerleader photies is I can't decide which one to post first. Have you a preference?

  3. I say!

    I got distracted by this link in the first webpage.

    MM III

  4. I say!

    This one, however, was more to the point.

    MM III

  5. Albert? Just get on with it! Hotboy

  6. I say!

    For your Sunday shindig, I would like to recommend Dr Daniel Kachamba. He'll get them dancing!

    MM III
