Monday, May 18

thoughts of a dirty old man

This post title should bring in the customers. Last year I included the phrase "elephant sexual position" quite innocently in a post, and the blog stats went through the roof.

I've just come in from hanging out the washing, a job that takes hours these days, ever since the tropical jock-rot took hold and I started changing my drawers daily. And sometimes even more often than that.

I'm typing this on the toilet, thanks to the wifi ipod. The wee screen is beautiful, but since I'm now getting increasingly long-sighted to balance up the short-sightedness, I need to wear a cheap pair of old person's reading specs from the chemist. As myopia and the opposite -opia converge to blur distant and close objects, eventually I'll only be able to see things that are about 3 feet away. I feel I'm being squeezed at both ends and not in the biblical sense. Dearie me!


  1. Just thinking about you.
    Hope you are well and that you have a most wonderful week!
    Lee Ann

  2. Albert? Do we really want to hear any more about your diseased genitalia? No wonder only perverts come here! Hotboy

  3. I say!

    Tropical jock-rot - never suffered it myself, but Hughie down the Government Hostile says have you tried industrial strength insecticidal dusting powder? He says it cures most things that his livestock suffer from.

    Worth a try?

    MM III

  4. I say!

    There's something quite touching about you posting about your jock-rot, and Lee Ann thinking about you at the same moment.

    However, with respect to the rot, it could be worse!

    MM III

  5. hotters - I resent that!

  6. mingers - so I could have been a great cricketer if it wasn't for the rot.

  7. hi lee ann, I did indeed have a fairly good week, not far short of wonderful. How fortunate we are!
