Thursday, November 15

boxing childhood HNT

When we were growing up, my brother and I had 2 pairs of gloves and an adjustable punchball. I used to set the ball high, to practice defending myself against bullies. My brother used to set the ball extra low, to practice beating up little guys. You can tell from his stance that he knew how to handle himself, but I seem to be punching myself in the head.

He went on to become school boxing champion. I gave up sport and joined the school shooting team, because you could smoke under cover of the gunpowder smells.


If you're desperate, you can access all the old half baked thursday posts.


  1. Because gunpowder is a strong smell. I wonder if you can smoke the other under it.
    Happy HNT!

  2. I love your pose, that's fantastic! You were (are) absolutely adorable!


  3. Great photo - always humourous to look back on our kiddie pics and wonder what the heck we thought we were doing..HHNT

  4. I'd like to think i'd be a boxing champ and then have a celebratory smoke after whooping some as on the mat. But Im a girl. And punch like one too. Hmm. HHNT..great photo!

  5. Albert? What terror you must have struck in the hearts of the proletariat! Bash Street Kids eat your heart out! Hotboy

  6. that is a fabulous shot! and i think i could have picked you out anyway because your face shape and glasses make it so obviously you. great story too.


  7. punching yourself in the head...LOL...
    love this pic...

  8. Great pic and story as always. Cheers!

  9. From the looks of things, your little brother could have beat the sh$t out of you. He looks tough, but you are cute so :P

    Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!

  10. Impressive!!!

  11. Looking at your stance, I can see why you gave up boxing. LOL Happy HNT!

  12. Albert? Did you ever get to hit anyone. We had boxing matches out the back garden. That helped a lot! Hotboy

  13. I say!

    Did I tell you about the night when Hotboy boxed the vertically challenged young chap at the Miners Club in Dalkeith? I was in his corner that night.

    It wasn't a pretty sight. Hotboy was well past his best and had been hitting the ciggies all day long. After dancing around for two rounds trying to keep out of reach of the vertically challenged chap, he tired quickly. The vertically challenged chap saw his chance, jumped two feet in the air and landed a solid punch on Hotboy's paunch which floored him.

    What a come-down from Hotboy's previous match, when he saw off Dan Desperate.

    MM III

  14. That's a cool photo! Your brother looks a lot like I did as a kid! HHNT!

  15. What a cute photo! It's not hard to snoop through old photos and wonder, "What was I thinking?" Happy HNT!

  16. No post since a full week!!
    Are you ok Rob?
    I wish you are...
