what hard to do what to say don't censor don't spell jump joy do more zest breathe
boring can't be bothered shit no make me! eff off ya bass
Alan tall will show you a sword
guilt about a few deeds
Lilian guilt
Jane's pal guilt
banger in crowd guilt
hard on self
swim Scotland the edge boring I'm beyond all that now this is my life here, don't realise how lucky you are yes I do
death aging don't care just want more of now
K great but annoys the fuck out of me
our home our life
Scots mac ScotMac
spin guilt suspicion Pollock halls cell monkey on back cold cold cold alone
want to read more more
more Linux hooray
more weights box smart clever
this is all about planning, about me, it's not really work
don't waste time
don't waste with deifheids?
church Sunday school broom Beatles Halloween jock did some good fatherly things
not again
bored of (available?) food sex music web sites (ha!)
black guilt poor folk i have no worries
nobody has my worries
poor me, rubbush!
exercise! (jock) true, really the only reliable source of fun pleasure
a drag having to watch out for injuries old and new
Trisha session was very involving, next one probably too
envy the young, drool over, wasted on young
salivation one of lifes pleasures restored with HBOxygen
weeing (went for one just now) retention deficit disorder
promiscuous guy on gay doco yesterday, living so dangerously and seedily, pathetic
memories of school days, in jazzy's room listening to records, doyly carte etc, didn't know how lucky we were, CCF, school dinners! jock carruthers truculent adolescent shuffle schoolbag skidding
smoking what a diversion of energy and life force
giving up the best move i made (that and kath)
sat morning now weekend stretches a bit empty unlike when I'm home alone, feels like there's a gulf, a lack of connection, but maybe par for course? mention to trisha
so lucky to have time and opportunity fo free counselling (even during work hours) lucky me!
keep going houshold chores possum painting etc i can do well but want reward and/or balancing activities
old dear - love her despite flawed r'ship and she flawed, my mum and thanks top her as well as blame to her