Saturday, October 24

surrounded by basturns

Poor Albert reurned to work after his holidays to find that the union had made a mess of the pay negotiations. They accepted a 5% pay rise (hooray) but with a 13% increase in working hours. Apparently this came about because on the one hand his employers are a shower of basturns and on the other hand the union are incompetent twats. It all balances out.

On my advice, he turned the situation to some slight advantage, by maintaining the rage. During a dog-walk the murderous impulses are worth as much as two extra cups of tea.


  1. Albert? You should take up staring at the green dot on the computery thing. It's wonderful. Nobody will guess that that's what you're doing. Why not take up dog walking full time? Live off your partner. Would you like to become a sadhu? I'll give you a certificate that says you're allowed to sit around bollock naked and smoke dope all day. That would help. Hotboy

  2. I say!

    Unions are not a big thing, here in Kalimbuka. Some time ago, Doviko suggested he might join a cook's union, but the threat of the sack if he did put an end to all of that.

    A 13% increase in working hours! Soon, you'll be working as hard as Hotboy.

    MM III
