Thursday, February 12

australian beer advert

My friend Albert sent me this youtube clip of a very Australian beer advert.


  1. Albert? Is that still you? Doesn't work on steam driven computers! So, there's a bushfire coming and everyone panics and runs away, leaving the boy to shrug, and walk back towards the house. As the smoke and flames lick around him, he wipes his brow, opens the door of his vast beer fridge and walks in, totally happy to be sitting there in the cold with a can of beer frothing over. The last shot is of the whole place like torched except for the vast beer fridge and the boy comes walking out, salutes the camera with the beer can, and says: Struth! I reckons it's time for a beer! Hotboy p.s. I only want ten percent off the top!

  2. I say!

    Most excellent scenario, Hotters. Have you considered work as a marketing executive? Have a dozen ideas like that and you could retire.

    Mrs M didn't know where to look when she say the beer advert that Albert sent Rob. Wilson was most confused by it.

    MM III

  3. I fear Mingers is right, and that hotters has missed his vocation.

  4. Albert? Now, that I have a chance to see this on broadband ... my advert was much better! If I saw so myself. Hotboy
