Tuesday, February 17

full time

To balance out the ill-effects of the global financial debacle, I've started working full time again. What a shock to the system! And that's despite the fact that a full working week in New South Caledonia is only 4 days long. And by working evenings I have managed to cram 4 days' work into 3.

Yet last week I was so knackered that I had to resort to drugs (tea). The only way I got through Friday was by pumping myself up with several cups of green tea and even some black. Plus a whole bar of chocolate. Great buzz, but of course everything has to balance up, and I spent all Saturday in bed, mostly asleep. It being Valentine's Day, the bliss partner took it badly, but what can you do?

Sunday I managed to get out of bed but just blobbed out indoors. I thought a good rest would help. Bad move. Back at work on Monday, I was a zombie. I hope Albert, with the killer on his trail, is in better shape for a fight.

Today I took exercise for the first time in days, fast-walking the dog for an hour. I worked up a real sweat, and as a result I feel great. I must remember that rest is not always the best way to recover. Maybe hotters is on to something when he deals with a hangover by shadow-boxing inside a bin liner to catch the drips.


  1. Albert? Is that you? I'm afraid the effects of having your life threatened have started to sink in. The stress makes you fall asleep. Men used to do that before going over the top in WW1. Of course, they hadn't slept too well before due to the rats eating them, etc., but you've more or less got the same thing. What you need it someone to pray for you. Since you now have pots of money due to working full time, just send a cheque in the post and I'll sort the prayer stuff out for you. This would give you peace of mind and would certainly help. Hotboy

  2. I say!

    Don't overdo it! Watching the cricket is an excellent way to relax.

    MM III

  3. Hotters! Is it you? Is it PTSD?

    Capital idea, Mingers! That always sends me to sleep.
