Tuesday, February 24


I have been told it's about time I said something about balance.

Well, when the Soviet Union fell, I remember people saying it meant the end to wars. Then as the most powerful Russians became uber-capitalists, people were expecting a new age of global progress. But remember everything has to balance up, and now we're seeing Western countries driven to large-scale nationalisations. Ultimate heresy! Even in the U.S., the state may have to take over several of the biggest banks. You're probably thinking that socialists who visit this blog will be rejoicing, but I wouldn't bank on it.

Meanwhile, here in the southern hemisphere we are doing our bit for universal balance. Albert informs me that living with the opposite gender is simply impossible, whereas I have no problems in that department at all. Especially when it's my day off work, the bliss partner is at her job all day and she'll be out all evening. Now where's my rubber suit and mouthguard?


  1. Albert? Is that you? I can stand on my head even after a few pints. That's got to be a balance! Hotboy p.s. Weird this stuff about the banks! You should post a photie of you in your rubber suit.

  2. I say!

    I couldn't agree more with you about balance. A batsman needs to be perfectly balanced just as he faces each ball. The bowler needs to have good balance as he let's go of the ball, and before his follow-through. The stumper has to be carefully balanced and prepared to dive either way. It's important, whilst watching cricket, for the MGT to be balanced in the hand, so that nothing is spilt. A cricket team should be well balanced between batters and bowlers. Cricket is all about balance. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the gist.

    There's more about this subject at here.

    MM III

  3. Mingers. Why did you stop just when you were getting going?

    Hotters. I knew that would get you going.
