Saturday, May 5

new scotland

Over the centuries, the Scottish nation has contributed to the world's technical and engineering progress, inventing Penicillin and TV, etc. But, to adapt a phrase from Donald Rumsfeld, that was old Scotland.

The result of the Scottish elections is now known. Or is it? According to the BBC, the polls have been hit by major problems, and up to 100,000 ballot papers have been spoilt.

Computer software failures, confusion about how to fill in ballot papers (you have to work out whether to write an 'X' or a '1') and problems with postal votes have all been blamed. Even the Scottish National Party, who seem to have won the election, are complaining about the mess-up.

Normally, to describe people who are disorganised, you say "they couldn't organise a booze-up in a brewery." But that's one thing you can never accuse the Scots of. Since the election, some people are saying the Scots could only organise a booze-up in a brewery, but that's Australians, not Scots.


  1. here in the states when we fuck up an election we just go with the (flawed) results, it's cheaper and easier than having to count them all over again!

    (hence the bumper sticker; don't blame me, I voted with the majority.)

  2. I say!

    Which brewery? Am I invited?

    MM III

  3. Onan! RaBlissParty is looking for an honorary consul in Bavaria. Will you put your name forward? HOtboy

  4. I say!

    That picture thingy has a snap of some undies, as I'm sure you will become aware.

    I say Hotboy - can I be the consul for East and Cenral Africa?

    I say - they finally got Chiluba. I wonder how many pairs of undies he bought with his ill-gotten gains?

    MM III

  5. Onan? Are the lights still out? What will moi say to the mulatto goddess? This could turn into a diplomatic incident. Would you like to come under my protection? Huh? Hotboy

  6. Is there a party at a brewery?
    Have a great week!
    What are your seven?
