Tuesday, May 22

progress report

Recognition at last! A delightful young lady called Tara Tainton visited my purple underpants and recorded her appreciation. Quoting from her comment: "Wow! Should I be aroused or frightened??"

Tara has dozens of websites catering to various broadminded web users. This could be the start of something big. At last my genius is gaining recognition, in a very public way! Such bad timing, though: I'll soon be coming off the bliss pills, and going back to being a shy, introverted, home-brew type.

The wheat beer challenge, pitting my latest Number 15 Bohemian Brew against hotboy's Munton Wheat Beer, looks like slipping out of my grasp. My brew refused to start fermenting, probably because the yeast was out of date. Indeed, when I looked for the "sell-by" date on the can, I realised it had been rubbed off before I bought it. Ra swindling basturns! The convict culture dies hard.

I had to use bakers' yeast to start the brew in a hurry, or the whole bucket would have gone off. As it turns out, the taste is drinkable, but it's nothing like real wheat beer.

I can only hope that hotboy has gone on another bender and made an even bigger mess of his brew.

Thanks to Ray Ray for defining a new phrase :

"Google Moment" - definition: that interminable stretch of time you sit staring at a blank google homepage, unable to remember what it was you were just about to google.


  1. Onan! If you weren't in Bavaria, I'd treat you to a taste of my delicious wheat beer! I gave someone a drink on Saturday and they started speaking in a language unknown to other humans almost immediately. It's double strength. Unfortunately, I'm so tee total these days that I only allowed myself a teaspoonful to taste. Hotboy

  2. I say!

    I think you've run into a purple patch.

    MM III

  3. I put away the barrel after five pints of the wheat beer home brew! How many angels are there? Is that a question for you gay boys or not? Do we want to hump the angels or not? They gathered outside the house of Lott, them Israelities, and shouted: We want to hump the angels. There were only two angels. One was called Gabriel! Gabriel said: Hump me if you like, but it won't help. Has anyone got a fag? God, a cigarette! What company that would be! Hotboy

  4. HB - Lottie Lenya, Peter Gabriel, that wheat beer doesn't seem to be helping.

    MM - I hadn't realise they sell patches against NPD now.
