Wednesday, December 28

palindromedia - old dear and her wee sister

It would have been the old dear's birthday a few days ago. This was her and her sister in about 1930.


  1. Albert? What a nice photie! That was before all the goose stepping, and the blitzkrieg and the shit hitting the fan. You don't know what's coming up, do you? Hotboy

  2. Hotters. Yes, except as one gets to our age, one becomes more certain of what's coming up. No time to lose!

  3. I say!

    At Hotters' age, I'm surprised that anything comes up anymore.

    MM III

  4. MM. I think Hotters entertains a coterie of fit young acolyte babes in the bliss room, but the DB reads his blog so he can't blog about it. This would be why he's forever got the decorators in - to keep the room nice for his ladies and gay visitors.
